bullet Online Experimentation: Emerging Technologies and IoT


  Title: Online Experimentation: Emerging Technologies and IoT

  Editors: Maria Teresa Restivo, Alberto Cardoso and António Mendes Lopes

  Publisher: International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA) Publishing, S. L.

  Format: paperback and pdf (Acrobat), 496 pages

  Pubdate: 30 December 2015

  Price: 95.00 EUR (e-book in pdf format) and 115.00 EUR (print paperback book)

  Delivery time for the print book: 7-17 days dependent on country of destination. Please contact us for priority (5-9 days), ground (3-8 days) and express (2-3 days) delivery options by e-mail

  ISBN: 978-84-608-5977-2; e-ISBN: 978-84-608-6128-7

  BN: 20151230-XX




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Online Experimentation: Emerging Technologies and IoT


Book Description



Online Experimentation: Emerging Technologies and IoT describes online experimentation, using fundamentally emergent technologies to build the resources and considering the context of IoT.

In this context, each online experimentation (OE) resource can be viewed as a “thing" in IoT, uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system, and considered as an object to be sensed and controlled or remotely operated across the existing network infrastructure, allowing a more effective integration between the experiments and computer-based systems.

The various examples of OE can involve experiments of different type (remote, virtual or hybrid) but all are IoT devices connected to the Internet, sending information about the experiments (e.g. information sensed by connected sensors or cameras) over a network, to other devices or servers, or allowing remote actuation upon physical instruments or their virtual representations.

The contributions of this book show the effectiveness of the use of emergent technologies to develop and build a wide range of experiments and to make them available online, integrating the universe of the IoT, spreading its application in different academic and training contexts, offering an opportunity to break barriers and overcome differences in development all over the world.

Written by experts from 15 countries of all continents, Online Experimentation: Emerging Technologies and IoT is suitable for all who is involved in the development design and building of the domain of remote experiments.



Contents: (Acrobat logo 94 Kb)


Foreword (Acrobat logo  12 Kb)


Preface (Acrobat logo  38 Kb)


List of Contributors (Acrobat logo  134 Kb)


1. A Collaborative Environment for Dynamic Geometry Software


2. A Simulation Tool for Telehealth Streams Analysis Based on Pattern Recognition Techniques


3. Augmented Reality Tools for Online Exploration


4. BCI Sensor as ITS for Controlling Student Attention


5. Building Haptic Infrastructure to Enhance Motivationally Themed Classes


6. Buildings Maintenance Activity Supported on Virtual Reality Technology


7. Chemistry in the e-Lab Laboratory: A New Wave


8. Combining Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Collaborative Environments with Online Labs


9. Hybrid Laboratory for Rapid Prototyping in Digital Electronics


10. IoT in Remote Physiological Data Acquisition


11. MARE: Mobile Augmented Reality Based Experiments in Science, Technology and Engineering


12. Online Presentation of the Performance Portrait Method


13. Opening up Education: Quality Matters and Personalization


14. Remote Experiment Applied to Teaching Hooke’s Law Using a Didactic


15. Remote Laboratories for Experimental Research and Practical Training in Technological Universities


16. Stem Oriented Remote Access Laboratories with Distributed Peer-To-Peer Architecture


17. The Integration of On-site and Online Lab Experimentation – the Way to Attract Engineering Students With Different Learning Styles


18. The Pedagogy behind the e-Lab Laboratory


19. The Use of Embedded Smart Modules for Designing Standard-based and Reconfigurable Weblabs


20. Transferring On-line Science and Engineering Courses for Use in Developing Countries


21. Unified Remote and Virtual Lab Solutions for Engineering Education


22. Using Mobile Devices for Conducting Experimental Practices in Basic Education


23. Virtual Reality and Haptics for Product Assembly, Surgical Simulation and Online Experimentation


24. Virtual Testing of the Hygrothermal Residual Stresses in Functionally Graded Composites: Modelling and Optimization


25. Web Tool to Improve the Event Risk Assessment in Cardiovascular Disease Patients


26. Why Illustrative Remote Experiments in Mechanics are so Rare ?



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