Sensors & Transducers Journal
(ISSN 1726- 5479)
Sensors & Transducers Journal 2006 2000-2002 S&T e-Digest Contents
Vol. 78, Issue 4, April 2007, pp. 1098-1107
Investigation of the Pull-in Phenomenon in Drug Delivery Micropump Using Galerkin Method
Ghader Rezazadeh1, Tayefe-Rezaei Saber, Ghesmati Jafar,
Tahmasebi Ahmadali
Mech. Eng. Dept., Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Received: 3 March 2007 /Accepted: 20 April 2007 /Published: 23 April 2007
Abstract: In this paper, the pull-in phenomenon of an electrostatically actuated circular micropump which is used in drug delivery systems was investigated. The “pull-in” or divergence instability in electrostatically actuated micro electromechanical systems presents a ubiquitous challenge in MEMS technology of great importance. The Circular plate of the micropump was modeled as a thin plate base on Kirchhoff plate theory. The nonlinear coupled electromechanical governing differential equation was discretized using Galerkin method. The effect of number of shape functions on the accuracy of obtained results was investigated. The effects of radius, thickness and initial gap of the micropump on the pull-in voltage also were studied and the obtained results were compared with existing results.
Keywords: MEMS; Pull-in phenomenon; Micro pump; Galerkin Method
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