Abstract: In the present work, a simple microcontroller based technique has been developed to measure the dielectric constant of glucose solution of different concentrations without using any conventional bridge method. In this technique, a microcontroller based circuit directly measures and indicates the dielectric constant of a solution. Using this technique, the dielectric constants of glucose solutions at different concentrations are measured experimentally and the results are compared with the results of the conventional Schering bridge circuit with Wagner earth arrangement for minimizing the stray capacitance error. The experimental results are reported in the paper. A good conformity between the results of the proposed technique and those of bridge technique has been observed. Moreover, the dielectric constant of glucose solution has been found to vary linearly with concentration at low frequency at a constant temperature as observed by other workers at low frequency.
Keywords: Capacitance, Dielectric constant, Glucose solution, Low frequency, Op-amp, microcontroller, Schering bridge.