Sensors & Transducers Journal (ISSN 1726- 5479) |
Vol. 136, Issue 1, January 2012, pp. 132-146
Fuzzy Logic Based Autonomous Traffic Control System
1 Muhammad ABBAS, 2 M. Saleem KHAN, 3 Nasir ALI and 4 Syed FAZIL1 National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (FAST-NU) Lahore, 54000, Pakistan Tel.: +923024848671 2 GC University, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan 3 Government D.S. College, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan 4 International Islamic University, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan E-mail:,
Received: 5 November 2011 /Accepted: 24 January 2012 /Published: 30 January 2012 |
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to design and implement fuzzy logic based traffic light Control system to solve the traffic congestion issues. In this system four input parameters: Arrival, Queue, Pedestrian and Emergency Vehicle and two output parameters: Extension in Green and Pedestrian Signals are used. Using Fuzzy Rule Base, the system extends or terminates the Green Signal according to the Traffic situation at the junction. On the presence of emergency vehicle, the system decides which signal(s) should be red and how much an extension should be given to Green Signal for Emergency Vehicle. The system also monitors the density of people and makes decisions accordingly. In order to verify the proposed design algorithm MATLAB simulation is adopted and results obtained show concurrency to the calculated values according to the Mamdani Model of the Fuzzy Control System.
Keywords: Fuzzy inference system, Fuzzy control, Fuzzification, Fuzzy expert systems, Transportation control, Rule base, Inference engine.
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