Sensors & Transducers Journal (ISSN 1726- 5479) |
Vol. 137, Issue 2, February 2012, pp. 189-198
Growth of Well Aligned Tin Oxide Nanotubes by a Sol-gel Method
1 Mario BIANCHETTI, 2 Marjeta MACEK-KRZMANC, 2 Sreko D. SKAPIN and 1 Noemķ E. WALSÖE de RECA
Juan Bautista de La Salle 4397, Villa Martelli, 2 Advanced Materials Department, Jo˛ef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail:,
Received: 24 November 2012 /Accepted: 14 February 2012 /Published: 28 February 2012 |
Abstract: In previous works, the authors improved the characteristics of resistive gas sensors using SnO2 nanoparticles to build them. Upon the convenience to increase the surface dimension to enhance the gas absorption area, well aligned SnO2 nanotubes were prepared by sol-gel method within the pores of a polycarbonate template to increase the sensing surface. To optimize the nanotubes synthesis, some parameters – affecting the nanotubes morphology- were varied and the effects of the different parameters on morphology were compared: the pores size of template membrane, the calcination temperature and time, the precursor solution concentration and the solution aging temperature and time, finding the most convenient conditions to grow the nanotubes. Characterization of nanotubes was performed with XRD being found that the tetragonal rutile was the only crystalline phase exhibited by the polycrystalline nanotubes and their morphology was observed by FE-SEM, discussing the relation among the measured data and the varied parameters affecting the process.
Keywords: Tin oxide nanotubes, Sol-gel method, Parameters affecting nanotubes growth, Resistive gas sensors.
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