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Vol. 9, Special Issue, December 2010, pp.223-232



Effect of Firing Temperature on the Composition and Structural Parameters
of Screen Printed ZrO2 Thick Film Sensors



1 Thin and Thick film Laboratory, Dept. of Electronics M. S. G.College,

Malegaon Camp 423105, Dist. Nashik, Maharashtra, India

2 L. V. H. College, Panchavati,
Nashik 422003, Maharashtra, India

*E-mail: sunilbapupatil@gmail.com



Received: 27 September 2010   /Accepted: 30 November 2010   /Published: 30 December 2010


Abstract: The compositional, morphological and structural properties of ZrO2 thick films prepared by a standard screen printing method and fired between 800 oC to 1000 oC for 2 hours in an air atmosphere. The material characterization was done using X-ray energy dispersive analysis (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The deposited films were polycrystalline in nature having the monoclinic, tetragonal- cubic structure with a preferred orientation along the (1’11) plane. The result shows that the mass % of Zr was found to be 79.10, 82.14 and 82.04 % for firing temperatures of 800, 900 and 1000 0C respectively may be due to the release of excess oxygen. The effect of the firing temperature on structural parameters such as the crystallite size, percentage of phases, texture coefficient, RMSmicrostrain, dislocation density and stacking fault probability have been studied. The results indicate that grain growth can be increased by increasing the firing temperature which is responsible for decreasing the RMSmicrostrain and dislocation density in ZrO2 thick films. The stacking fault probability remains constant for all firing temperatures. The crystallite size changes from 25.71 nm to 30.80 nm with respect to the increase in the firing temperature.


Keywords: ZrO2, Thick films, SEM, XRD


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