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Dear IFSA Associate Member !


Please continue your registration process in order to have a full access to all IFSA and Sensors Web Portal services, benefits and information. Here is some additional details, which will be useful for you to make a right decision.



IFSA Main Objectives


International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA) is a professional association and Smart Sensors Network of Excellence, created with the aim to encourage the researches in the area of smart sensors with quasi-digital (frequency, time interval, duty-cycle, etc.) and digital output, including multifunction, multifrequency transducers using new physical effects and principles. The main IFSA objectives are:


Membership Benefits


Who are IFSA Members ?


Today there are 750+ members from 71 countries world-wide (59 % are from industry, 40 % - from universities and 1 % from research institutions). It is individual members, different companies, universities and big corporation as ABB, ams, Analog Device, Bell Technologies Bosch, Cadence, Catetpillar, Emerson, Freescale, GE Global Research, Honeywell, Huawei, IMEC, John Deere, Keller, Mazda, Meggit, Melexis, Memsis, Mentor, Motorola, PCB Piezotronics, Sandia Labs, Tata, TDK, Texas Instruments and Yokogava as well as government institutions such as NASA, US Navy and National Research Council, etc.





You may chose one of two options: online registration fee payment by a credit card (PayPal) or money transfer to our bank account.


1. Online Registration Fee Payment:



PayPal logo

Registration Fee,
EUR per year

Type of Membership


1 500.00 Universities
1 000.00 Start-Up Companies (< 5 years old)
2 000.00 Companies

Alternatively, you can pay directly to: https://www.paypal.me/IFSAPublishing


2. Money Transfer to our Bank Account


Please send us e-mail to request this possibility and we will send you invoice and instruction for money transfer.



Welcome to IFSA !


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