bullet Virtual Thermometer Project



A low-cost Plug-and-Play virtual thermometer with virtual measuring channel was designed. As temperature sensor, the silicon duty-cycle output smart sensor SMT 160-30 (SMARTEC) was used in the project. The virtual measuring instrument is based on the novel adaptive program-oriented method of duty-cycle - to - code conversion. Due to this, the hardware is reduced to minimum, cutting costs and boosting reliability in comparison with traditional virtual instruments using separate DAQ boards. So, all circuitry is placed in the standard LPT connector and it is not need the individual supply voltage. The possible applications are: remote sensing, climate control, food processing, etc.


Thermometr Screen Shot















Technical Performances:

  • Temperature range, 0C  -45 ...+130

  • Absolute accuracy, 0C  ± 0.7 (± 1.2)

  • Relative error, % ± 0.54 (± 0.92)

  • Linearity is better than 0.2 (0.4) 0C

  • Directly connectable to LPT port

  • Cable length up to 20 m

  • Statistic calculation and file of results

  • Digital, analog and sound indications

  • Minimum hardware requirements: Pentium, 133 MHz, 16 RAM, SVGA monitor

  • Operation system Windows' 95/98

Fig.1 Virtual Thermometer Screen Shot

The set includes: 


Diskettes picture

  • sensor SMT160-30 (TO-92 or TO-18) with cable;

  • LPT connector with built-in circuitry; 

  • software (two 3.5" diskettes)

  • reference manual

Virtual Thermometer  Demo  Version  

(needs IE 4.0 or higher, Win95/98 and low security level in your browser ! )


Download Demo





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